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Pink Liquid

Colon Hydrotherapy: also known as Colonics, is where warm sterile water safely and gently fills the colon through a small sterile rectal tube. When the water is flushed out, it carries with it any material that has built up in the large intestine (colon), i.e., fecal matter, toxins, and trapped gases. A series of fills and empties occur throughout the 35 - 45 minute treatment. People report the following: Improved digestion; Weight Loss; Better Moods; Enhanced Adaptability to Stressful Situations; Improved Skin Conditions; Improved Concentration and Mental Focus; Reduction in Gas, Bloating, and Constipation; and Enhanced Immunity.  Read more...

Olive Oil Photography

Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy: (LET) is a safe low-frequency vibrational treatment that communicates with the body’s innate energy patterns giving it the direction and energy to heal naturally and intelligently. People get these treatments for the following conditions:  Pain; Scar Tissue; Dental Issues; Immunity; Breast Health; Hormone Balance; Post Surgical: Breast, Joint Replacement, etc; Injury Rehabilitation; Aging Skin; Edema, Swelling, and Lymphedema; Digestive Disorders; Autoimmune Conditions; Stress and Mental Afflictions; Fatigue; Skin Conditions; Esthetic Procedures; Eye Conditions; and Headaches.  Read more...

Abstract Galaxy

BiofeedbackDuring a biofeedback scan, we record your body's reaction to thousands of substances in a matter of seconds by using your voice and your photo. It's like the pinpricks that doctors give you on your back in an old-fashioned allergy test to see if you react to a certain substance, except in this case, we are using your energetic or morphogenic field to scan.  Read more...

Surreal Flower

Iridology: Have you ever taken a close look at your iris in the mirror? Those individual iris fibers are blood vessels with pigmentation, protecting the eye in varying degrees. The threads or fibers radiate outward from the pupil. The patterns of the iris (colored part of the eye) and sclera (white part of the eye) provide certain insights into one’s overall health picture. Therefore iridology can be viewed as the starting point of preventative health care. The iris is a window to the brain; with 28,000 nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels, muscle, and connective tissue that reflect the inner workings of the body. Every organ is connected to the iris via the nervous system.



VIOME Take the guesswork out of which foods and supplements your body needs.  Discover the best foods, supplements, and probiotics for your health with advanced RNA-based testing for your microbiome, addressing root causes and supporting overall wellness and longevity.  Personalized Nutrition for Optimal Health VIOME is a cutting-edge technology that offers personalized nutrition recommendations based on an individual's unique biological data. By analyzing your gut microbiome and RNA expression, VIOME provides insights into which foods are most compatible with your body, allowing for a highly personalized approach to nutrition. This can lead to improved digestion, increased energy, and optimized weight management. By incorporating VIOME into your wellness plan, we can help you make more informed dietary choices that support your weight loss goals. Read more...​

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Biomat: The Biomat is a mat that you lay on to receive Far Infrared Rays (FIR), Negative Ions, and Amethyst Crystal Energy.  You are welcome to use this mat before or after your colonic treatment or at any time. Biomat Healing sessions are offered free with services as long as it's available. These therapeutic components of the Biomat work to remove blockages creating better communication between the brain, the autonomic and sympathetic nervous systems, and all organs of the body to balance and stabilize the body's systems and strengthen the body's self-healing power.  People report the following: Reduction in stress and fatigue increased immunity, improved sleep, and reduction in inflammation Read more...


The services at Creative Lifeflow are not intended to replace professional medical advice. Therefore, please consult your doctor before trying any suggestions given by Creative Lifeflow. Please read the disclaimer.

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